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Trump impersonator Sarah Cooper shows ‘how to bunker’ like the leader of the free world

Comedy Gem Sarah Cooper Conquers Trump In Hilarious TikTok Videos

Trump impersonator Sarah Cooper shows ‘how to bunker’ like the leader of the free world

President Donald Trump was ridiculed this week for “barricading himself” inside the White House after he canceled a planned trip to his resort Bedminster, New Jersey.

Some even bestowed the nickname, “bunker boy.”

The bunker, officially known as the Presidential Emergency Operations Center (PEOC), which was constructed by President Franklin Roosevelt following the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Trump, in an interview with Fox News Radio, denied that he was there for protection, saying it was just one of the inspections he conducts

Comedian Sarah Cooper, who has received acclaim for her lip-syncing videos using Trump’s own words, took on the topic on Saturday.
