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NKLA stock now tradable in EU. Will this push NKLA price even more up?


NKLA stock now tradable in EU. Will this push NKLA price even more up?

How many of you asked your self:”Where was I 10 years ago when Tesla stock was $25? How come I never saw that this stock will jump so high? I wish I could go back in time and buy TSLA for $40.”

Tesla Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA) shares closed at $885.66 on Friday, June 5. With the BoL Statistics reporting the median weekly earnings of full-time workers at $957 

in the first quarter of 2020, the typical American would need to work almost entire week to earn enough money to buy a single TSLA share.

But not all is bleak because NKLA entered the stage on Thursday, June 4. Nikola Corporation (NASDAQ: NKLA) shares closed at $35.97 on Friday and the same average worker that can barely afford one TSLA stock for a weekly wage can now buy

 26 NKLA shares. Now, not tomorrow. Because tomorrow will probably be too late. Someone like Daimler will enter the stage with “a double-digit million sum for a nearly 10 percent stake ” From there the sky is the limit.

If you read my articles you probably know what I think about this new opportunity. Not that new anymore since everyone is talking about it now. As I said, on Monday NKLA will be a household name.

Barron’s said that Nikola wants to be the Tesla of trucking, Yahoo Finance wrote the article titled Nikola is like Amazon and could be worth a $100 billion and Bloomberg is saying how Nikola Listing Gives Billionaire Founder a Chance to ‘Out-Elon’ Musk

Nikola is not Amazon or Tesla, Nikola is something else and something different. The most important thing for a young investor is the fact that investing $1 in Nikola stock can give a better ROI than AMZN or TSLA combined. 

Why I think so? Because TSLA and AMZN are “old” companies with huge Market Cap already. NKLA is still in startup phase with a lot of space to grow and is betting on hydrogen.

There are skeptics when it comes to Nikola hydrogen bet. People say it is too expensive. They said the same thing for cars 100 years ago. 

Why invest in a car when I already have a horse? They said solar panels are too expensive in the eighties and will never have future. Since the 1980s, the cost of solar power has dropped by 98 percent.

But now that Hydrogen arrived in the mainstream media, this will open up both short-term and long-term opportunities on the stock exchange.

One of the Nikola Corporation partners, Nel from Norway, announced on June 5 a first H2 Station in South Korea.

 Following this tweet, CEO of Nikola, was asked on Twitter if Nikola will “eventually create hydrogen fueling stations for residents that might not be able to get to a large fuel station? “

His answer seemed to be confusing as if he didn’t know that their partner (Nel) is already doing that:

But just because Mr. Milton is better at PR than engineering is not a bad news per se, for now.

The time will tell if Nikola will be as good as Tesla, or even better. Until then here is another info that you can ponder on. On June 4 German government decided to set aside $10 billion to kickstart growth in electrolysis capacity for renewable hydrogen production,

; energy and economy, where approx. $7.9 billion will be set aside for the national strategy and a further EUR 2 billion to boost hydrogen technology outside Germany.
