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Coronavirus: Gang life 'has stopped' because of COVID-19

Coronavirus,Gang life,UK
What happened to gang life in UK

Gang rivalries have been "put on hold" and violence has "stopped" as members follow coronavirus lockdown rules, the head of a charity has told Sky News.
Sheldon Thomas, who founded the Gangsline Foundation Trust, said county lines activity has also fallen as police enforce the "stay at home" guidance.
County lines refers to when city gangs exploit children into selling drugs in rural areas and small towns.

Police action to enforce the lockdown has seen gang activity drop substantially. File pic
Image:Police action to enforce the lockdown has seen gang activity drop substantially. File pic
Mr Thomas said "cuckooing" activity, where dealers take over the homes of vulnerable people to use as a base, has also decreased thanks to measures designed to slow the spread of COVID-19.
Some street dealers have even been "throwing drugs to their customers" in keeping with the 2m (6ft) social distancing guidelines