As Chicago pollen season ramps up, doctors give tips on telling COVID-19 from seasonal allergies
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Trees in River Park along the North Branch of the Chicago River on April 23. Tree pollen levels have yet to hit their high point this year.(E. Jason Wambsgans / Chicago Tribune) |
As captive Chicagoans focus on COVID-19, allergy sufferers have an added layer of worry: Pollen counts for both trees and grass have yet to peak in Illinois and they’re hoping their congestion and cough don’t mean something more serious.
Figuring out when allergy season starts has gotten harder in recent years because of long cold spells in spring, which have led to an overlap of different kinds of pollen that trigger allergies. At the same time, the Illinois stay-at-home order may be triggering allergies for people stuck in the house with pets. But while allergies and the novel coronavirus show some of the same symptoms, experts say there are ways to tell which people are experiencing.
Were it a typical year, tree pollen most likely would peak in April in Illinois, as rates ramp up from March to May, said Dr. Rachna Shah, Loyola Medicine’s allergy expert who does pollen counts for the nonprofit Allergy and Asthma Center of Chicago. The second common allergen locally, grass pollen, is then expected to spike, usually lasting from May to the end of June. Ideally, the worst of each would be spread out over several months.
But Illinois hasn’t had many typical allergy seasons in the past five years or so, Shah said. It is hard to say whether this spring allergy season is abnormal because there isn’t a “normal” recent year to compare it with, but tree pollen levels have yet to hit their high point this year.
“What we learned in the textbook is not what we have actually been experiencing in Chicago in spring,” Shah said. And the strange weather Chicago has had this April is affecting tree pollen levels and likely “prolonged tree season,” to the point that it could significantly overlap with the beginning of grass pollen season.
“The tree season has kind of extended because of these really cold spells that we’ve had,” Shah said.
“My prediction is that ... the first week of May may be really challenging.”
Those who have known allergies to either tree or grass pollen — they tend to trigger the similar symptoms, Shah said — can expect itchy eyes and nose, sneezing and a runny nose. Some can develop headaches, nasal congestion and postnasal drip.
In some cases, allergies also can lead to or exacerbate asthma, a disease that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says can put people at higher risk for more severe COVID-19.
Dr. Sharmilee Nyenhuis, an associate professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago with expertise in allergies and asthma, said there can be some overlap in the symptoms of allergies and the new coronavirus. But the ones that do overlap aren’t common for those suffering from the new coronavirus.
“Getting to the symptom overlap between allergies and COVID-19, some of the overlapping symptoms can be the runny nose and sometimes a sore throat and a dry cough,” she said. “Those could be either. Though, it’s much more common to have a runny nose with allergies in general whereas a runny nose in COVID-19 happens less than 10% of the time."
“The biggest thing with COVID-19 is over 80% of people will have a fever, even with a mild case. And (in) patients with allergies, fever doesn’t happen, essentially. And usually, we’re not seeing the runny nose and sneezing and itchy, watery eyes. With the absence of fever, the probability of it being COVID-19 is low," Nyenhuis said.
Nyenhuis’ real concern with COVID-19 and allergies relates more to the effects of the state’s stay-at-home order. With people spending more time in their homes than usual, there is a greater chance they will experience symptoms or develop allergies to things such as pet dander, dust mites, or even pests such as mice or cockroaches, she said.
And people’s attempts to ward off the novel coronavirus can backfire and trigger allergies.
“Another trigger besides a change in weather is strong odors or chemicals, and people are using strong chemicals to clean more now because of COVID-19,” Nyenhuis said.